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Fuel Phase Separation Remediation

Clean Fuels National is the industry leader in Phase Separation Remediation. 

Most gasoline on the market today has been blended with ethanol – an alcohol most often derived from corn or sugar cane.  Typically, these blended fuels contain approximately 10-15% ethanol.  E-85, on the other hand, contains 85% ethanol.  As a result, this addition of ethanol allows the fuel to absorb more water than gasoline alone.

Chemically speaking, a molecule of ethanol contains a carbon end that prefers to associate with fuel and a hydroxyl end that prefers to associate with water.  In low concentrations of water, the ethanol will stay in solution with the fuel.  As water saturation increases, however, the ethanol’s affinity to the water overrides its association with the fuel and the ethanol falls out of solution.  This creates an ethanol-water layer on bottom and a reduced-octane fuel layer on top.  This occurrence is phase separation. 

Proprietory Method of Removing Phase Separated Fuel From Underground and Above-Ground Storage Tanks

Clean Fuels National specializes in Phase Separation Fuel Remediation, performing onsite maintenance - 24/7 Coast to Coast, and swiftly restoring operations.

With a patented method for removing phase-separated fuel from UST and AST, our comprehensive maintenance program prevents expenses related to phase separation and efficiently addresses issues like water infiltration. As fuel quality experts, CFN offers on-demand visits and maintenance programs, setting industry standards for reclaiming phased products.

CFNs maintenance program can preempt the expenses associated with phase-separated fuel and potential downtime, resulting in loss of revenue. Often, water infiltration is attributed to minor issues or damaged equipment—issues efficiently addressed during our maintenance visits.

Whether dealing with phase-separated product or aiming to prevent phase separation, Clean Fuels National is the preeminent authority in fuel quality assurance. Our Phase Remediation Program, setting industry standards, employs proprietary, lab-tested techniques to reclaim phased products and restore tanks and fuel to market standards. 

Pumping Gas - Fuel Quality
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